New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (21 July 2016)

New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (21 July 2016)



One cannot swear an oath to commit murder. One cannot swear an oath to steal. God's commandment in the Qur'an is clear; one cannot swear an oath to inflict cruelty. One cannot swear an oath to render what is lawful unlawful and what is unlawful lawful. Such oaths are void, in other words, they are invalid by default. What kind of oath is that? One says, "I will kill these people and you will keep it a secret." And the other swears an oath to do so. Such an oath is invalid. Above that, it is unlawful. Swearing such an oath is an unlawful deed. Unlawful oaths are invalid. Surat al-Baqara, verse 224, I seek refuge in God from satan; "Do not, by your oaths, make God a pretext to avoid good action...", look, what do they do? They use their oaths as an excuse, right? God's commandment in the verse is quite clear, "Do not, by your oaths, make God a pretext to avoid good action and having piety and putting things right between people. " Because saying, "I swear an oath" they use God as a pretext to avoid good deeds. God says, "Do not do so as it is unlawful". "...if you are to commit good deeds and having piety, do not make God a pretext to avoid doing so, saying 'I swore an oath", says God. Because God says, "I never command such a thing." In other words, God says, "Do not make Me a pretext by your oaths to avoid good deeds." Doing so is unlawful. "God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." Look, "Do not make your oaths a means of deceiving one another." So, how can one swear an oath for a coup attempt? Isn't coup a means of deception? So? Look, God says, "Do not make your oaths a means of deceiving one another," in other words, do not use your oaths to cause mischief, "or your foot will slip after it was firmly placed" and it really does, "and you will taste evil for barring access to the Way of God."  (Surat an-Nahl, 94) You all witnessed and still do what happens to the coup plotters. Look, "...for barring access to the Way of God", how does one bar access to the Way of God? In the Way of God, it is unlawful to commit murder. So when you force people to commit murder, you bar their access to the way of God. At that case, God says, "then you will taste evil and you will have a terrible punishment." [Surat an-Nahl, 94] says God. Look, in other words, God says, "You will suffer terrible punishment not only in this world, but also in the Hereafter; I will damn you."

Surat an-Nahl, 92; "Do not be like a woman who spoils the thread she has spun by unraveling it after it is strong, by making your oaths a means of deceiving one another, merely because one community is bigger than another." For example, Turkey is a great and united country, "but you deceive and cause mischief to divide it" says God. The verse is quite meaningful. "Do not be like a woman who spoils the thread she has spun." In other words, "Do not make your oaths a means of deter people from the Way of God," says God. The verses are very clear. 



Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says that "The Turkish nation is a faithful one, and Turkish army is a courageous one." He continues, " It is understood from the narrations that “The heroic army will save it, taking the reins from his hand.” It is realized from the narrations that they will thwart the schemes of the council of the antichrist, Said Nursi says, "It is strange, exceedingly strange, he will temporarily try to use the Turkish nation and Turkism, which for seven hundred years has been a flashing diamond sword, a mark of honour, in the hand of Islam and the Qur’an, against some of the marks of Islam. But he will not be successful and will withdraw. It is understood from the narrations that “The heroic army will save it, taking the reins from his hand.” That is to say, the antichrist will try to seize the army.

Said Nursi continues: "They should know this and tremble; we are not to be intimidated by mere threats. For we have seen truth and reality in the Risale-i Nur, and learnt it and believed in it. The Turkish youth is not sleeping. This heroic Islamic Turkish nation will not bow down under the yoke of another country.”

This unshakably faithful and altruistic Muslim Turkish youth will never betray their country. “The religious, warlike Turkish nation, the believing, brave Turkish youth, fear nothing," says Said Nursi. Do you see the beauty of Said Nursi? He says, "It is strange, exceedingly strange... … the Turkish Nation and Turkish, which for seven hundred years has been a flashing diamond sword, a mark of honor in the hand of Islam and the Qur’an..." Do you see how he praises the Turkish nation? And some accuse him of being a Kurdish nationalist. Yet look at his statements.  "… he (this council) will temporarily try to use the Turkish nation and Turkism, which for seven hundred years has been a flashing diamond sword, a mark of honor in the hand of Islam and the Qur’an, against some marks of Islam But he will not be successful and will withdraw. It is understood from the narrations that the heroic army will save it, taking the reins from his hand.” So it is evident from the narrations that the courageous Turkish Army will break the chains of the dajjal. This means that the Turkish Army will be plagued by the movement of the dajjal but the Army will break free from its clutches, insha'Allah.

"I was notified that those who inflicted a blow on the Islamic commands and politics will be dealt a heavy blow in the space of 12, 13, 14 or 16 years.”  (Emirdağ Addendum, p.208) “I was notified that it will be 16 years," he says. Could it be that he is referring to 2016? Because, he says '12' which probably refers to September 12? And '16' might be referring to 2016. Of course, this should be further researched. "To the contrary of the previous issue, just as I construed the incidents that happened on a wide scale and the blows dealt to the great communities in the sense of the blows that will be inflicted to the individuals on a small scale, I was notified that exactly on the two scales, both small and wide, just as the greatest of the religious communities had left the world after 12 years, the other religious communities that are as formidable were and will continue to be dealt the same blows on the dates of 12, 13, 14 and 16 on a wider scale," says Said Nursi.
