Mona Abdul Haq ( Director, Saracen Press )

Mona Abdul Haq ( Director, Saracen Press )



SUBJECT: Overview of the following books by Harun Yahya

When the first book by Harun Yahya was published in the UK, it was read avidly by a wide readership, who excitedly anticipated the release of the subsequent books published by Taha Publishers.

Their popularity is surely due to the fact that within the framework of Islam they address many subjects: archaeology, biology, chemistry, natural history, paleontology and sociology are but a few. They are refreshing to read, in that the author has cleverly managed to escape the narrow confines of modern religious expression. In other words, the books reflect the fact that Islam does in fact talk about all subjects, both "worldly" and "spiritual".

In the past, the Muslim World flourished on account of this understanding, and made great leaps in the fields of scientific discovery, medicine, astronomy, engineering, etc. They were spurred on by religious conviction and the commandment to seek knowledge.

Harun Yahya has succeeded in putting the love of the Creator and an appreciation of the created world back into the sciences, as the starting point for any field of endeavor. As such, his books help to inject new energy into the pursuit of knowledge, to carry forward all branches of learning into the 21st century.

This is not only a source of pride, but equally a source of encouragement to the younger generation.

I can honestly say that I have found in these books nothing inflammatory or opposed to the common good. However, to claim that they are perfect would be a foolish assertion. The only book in the history of the world that contains no errors is the Qur"an itself. As for the books by Harun Yahya, what is clearly manifest is the author"s intention, which is simply to highlight the wisdom and advice of the Qur"an and draw attention to certain undisputed facts, such as the existence of Allah, the transitory nature of creation, life and death, the secrets of the past and mechanisms of nature.

Mona Abdul Haq
Director, Saracen Press
