The article titled "Rabbis are on the same page about the construction of a temple on Temple Mount" featured on the Brazilian independent Christian news website, Gospel Prime called attention to the fact that the Temple Mount has enough space to simultaneously accommodate houses of worship for Jews, Christians and Muslims. The article included the statement of Chief Rabbi David Lau that they wish to see the construction of a Jewish temple along with the mosques.


The same article mentioned that Rabbi Yehuda Glick, one of the leading figures who pursue the construction of a temple, visited Turkey and held a meeting with Adnan Oktar, whose television broadcasts have attracted a vast audience in the Middle East. The article also pointed out to Adnan Oktar's efforts towards fostering and promoting the alliance between Jews and Muslims.


The following is an excerpt from the article:

Oktar supports the reconstruction of the Solomon temple on top of the Mount, next to the Mosques. He said that he encourages other Islamic leaders to support the construction of this temple. Oktar says: "We will see the Messiah, we will see the Temple of Solomon, let us all pray together there, God willing."

Adnan Oktar’ın Süleyman Mescidinin yeniden inşası konusundaki sözleri Brezilya Basınında