Moderate Islam Means the Islam of the Companions
Allah will make Islam prevail in the world
What it means to be a Syrian child
The end does not justify the means
Austrian President: Secularism does not mean irreligiousness
Turkish-Islamic Union would not, by no means, be based on racial superiority. || Turks' moral superiority
There will be fast means of transportation in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Does Rejecting Evolution Mean Rejecting Science?
By how many means is the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) concealed?
Sincerity Means Being Deeply Devoted to Allah by Heart
Radicals make up prohibitions that are not in the Qur'an, || Radicalism
''Alawi means lover of Allah, someone full of love''
Why not make Africa a new Europe?
Prime Minister Erdogan: ''Violence towards women is meanness''
Small steps that could make a big difference
“Joining the Shanghai Group without having Islamic Union would mean joining Asia’s ruthless and bloodthirsty mafia”
Ali Babacan: “Let the borders lose their meaning “
Does Saying, “It Happened by Chance” Make Any Sense?
Mr. Davutoğlu: “If people want to make protests let them make a ‘loving protest’”
What Gezi Park Means to Me