Based in New Delhi, Indian Muslim Observer publishes news and opinions- articles related Muslims in India and also rest of the world.
Two wrongs don't make a right
Eid Al-Fitr is an Opportunity to Make the Right Choice
Europe: Right fight, wrong weapon
EU's Rights and Wrongs on the Refugee Crisis
Was Darwin Wrong?
Enjoin right, forbid wrong
Two paths, two aims, but what kind of friend?
Two nations carrying the torch of Islam
Allah will make Islam prevail in the world
CAR — wronged by colonial mindset
Giving right answer to terror
The Error of Making Adornments and Accessories Unlawful
All women are born with their rights intact
The Quran protects rights, freedoms
The Left is the wrong option for Europe
Promises for the future of women’s rights
How many Halabjas will make us act?
Rightful freedom of women and 21st century
West is wrong in its analyses, solutions to counter IS threat
Standing up for the right, not the most powerful
Small steps that could make a big difference
Two new border gates between turkey and Iraq