How innocent are the acts of occupation in city squares?
How Is the Word "Ornament" Used in the Qur'an?
Acting fairly
What nature makes us think
Muslims act in compliance with their “conscience” while the hypocrites act with their “logic”
How Can Yemen Best Make Use Of Its Natural Wealth? || National Yemen
The terrorist act itself is nothing, the promotion of that act is everything
Making effort to attain a profound faith is a very important act of worship
How Many More Times Must Sudan Be Divided To Achieve Peace?
The pigeons and how they use their beaks to find their way
How judicious will it be to use terrorists to fight terrorists?
Many Jews will become Muslims by virtue of the Mahdi
How many more times must Sudan be divided to achieve peace?
Unity will make the Muslims strong
Acting the way 'you feel like' is sincerity. But sometimes one should overcome how he feels like and try to adopt a better behavior
Why not make Africa a new Europe?
The blessings around us || The blessings around us
Turkey should act as ''older brother'' to Muslims
Radicals make up prohibitions that are not in the Qur'an, || Radicalism
It is important to be a person able to make good use of wisdom rather than being ''plainly wise''…
All living things act on the urging and behest of God
Child soldiers are the ones who suffer the most in many conflicts
How to avoid a war?