In the Qur'an it is explicitly understood that they will be in Jerusalem and reside in Israel.
Jewish Human Rights on the Temple Mount from an Islamic perspective
Prof. Dr. Osman Can: It Is Not Right to Accuse Israel
Harun Yahya publications: Islam according to the Qur'an teaches love and compassion
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be instrumental in people living by 'true and deep love'
Turkish leadership will be based on love, affection and compassion and will bring about peace and tranquility
Compass in the Ant’s Eye
Conflict between Israel and Palestine is continuing because hatred has replaced love || Love Defeats Cruelty
A society that lives by Islamic moral values is built on the foundations of love and compassion
Love and justice towards the people of the book during the Ottoman Empire
Who Has the Right to Live in the Land of Milk and Honey?
There will be people from the children of Israel with Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Harun Yahya's article about the Jews and Muslims living along in peace in the Israeli Press
What happens if people do not live by the Qur'anic understanding of mercy?
Believers' compassion
A letter to the Muslim, Christian and Jewish believers
The Prophet’s (saas) compassion towards the faithful
They met in a religious ceremony for the sake of compassion
Maternal affection signs of God’s compassion
People will live longer in the end times in which Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear
Muslims, Christians And Jews Will Live As Friends In Jerusalem In The Time Of Hadhrat Mahdi
Israel starts to demolish the walls
Compassion in the Qur'an