Representatives of Harun Yahya held a conference called “Islam, the Religion of Peace, Compassion and Love” at the Masjid Ammar on the 10th of May, 2011. The conference was also translated into Chinese.
The Collapse Of The Theory Of Evolution Conference At The Kowloon Masjid, Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Harun Yahya Conference At The Ammar Masjid
The Return Of The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Conference At The Kowloon Masjid In Hong Kong
As Harun Yahya said, “Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion.”
Islam: Religion of peace, love
A Call For Unity Conference At The islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College in Hong Kong
Conference About "the Miracles Of The Qur"an" Held At Yuen Long Town Hall, Hong Kong
An international Conference On Creation, Science And Peace Was Held in Paris
Harun Yahya Works At The Hong Kong Book Fair
Conference at Oxford Medina Masjid in UK
A message from Hong Kong
A Conference Was Held On Allahs Miracles in The Quran At Al Madina Masjid in London
Living in Israel is the right of Jewish People || Compassion & love to Jews
Islam is the religion of peace and love. The time of the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be one of peace and security
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That ıslam İs The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
Believers' compassion
Those Who Seek To Depict Muslims As Shedders Of Blood Are Mistaken; islam is A Religion Of Affection, Compassion And Love
Peace and Love – the Basis of Islam
Promoting the Culture of Peace Conference at the UN
A Conference Was Held At Cep In France
Our religion is a religion of love and brotherhood
Pictures from Peace and Brotherhood Conference
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That islam is The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
'Islam as Religion Of Peace' Is More than Just a Cliche