What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversational programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar frequently mentions that no one can divide Turkey and if they try to do this, the whole 77 million of us would die before letting this happen, and reminds that America should not discriminate in terms of race and otherwise they would be the ones getting hurt in the process and become occupied with own troubles and that a riot could start in the country due to a small reason.

In recent days, when a young African American man was killed by police fire in America, the country faced huge events, protests took place and some groups vandalized stores, some buildings and private cars. While these events continue, another young African American man was killed by police fire.

March 15th, 2013, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: There is only one option; Islamic Union. When there is Islamic Union, Iran and all others would come to reason. Otherwise they would be dangerous. Every country would become a separate danger. Korea would be a danger. China would be a danger. Russia would be a danger. AMERICA COULD BE IN DANGER AS WELL. THERE COULD BE A CIVILIAN RIOT. But the system of the Mahdi means compassion, goodness, peace, harmony, reasonableness and mercy. The system of the Mahdi is an urgent need for the world.

A9 TV, July 15th, 2013

(After George Zimmerman who killed a young African American man was found not guilty by the courts, thousands of people poured in to the streets in many states to protest the verdict.)

ADNAN OKTAR: Look I said, “You will get yourself into trouble.” I said, “There will be a riot of African American and you will be shocked.” I said this like one or two months ago. And there would also be a more complex provocation. They can kill three or five more African Americans to blame the American government and cause a larger riot. The US government is already barely standing straight. There could be very dangerous events. Allah is making them pay for the trouble of Darwinism and materialism. And it seems that they will continue to pay.

A9 TV, June 1st, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: First of all, there will never be a place called Kurdistan. Forget about this. When this happens, hell would break loose. The world would be destroyed before Kurdistan takes place. There would not be any AMERICA OR RUSSIA left in the world. You will forget about this. I’m swearing on this that we will never let this happen. I’m swearing in the name of Allah. THE WORLD WOULD BE DESTROYED BEFORE THIS HAPPENS. Firstly, Kurdish people are my brothers. Leave this racist mind aside. Racism is over. Racism is a system hated in Europe and the rest of the world.  You will leave Kurdish racism. Kurds, Turks, Circassians, we are all the children of Hazrat Adam (as).

A9 TV, May 6th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: We will not let them divide Turkey. AMERICA’S THOUGHT IS WRONG IN THAT. They think, “When Turkey is divided, her strength will break.” Turkey does not have such a claim.

Turkey is like any other country in the Middle East. She does not have an extraordinary military power or economic power. She is a simple country. Therefore, America does not need to fear Turkey and Turkey is a country that values love.

A9 TV, May 5th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: America is obsessed about this. “I will divide Turkey and establish Kurdistan.” We need to talk with America about this. Let’s write a detailed letter to America. They should abandon this policy of dividing Turkey. They decided to divide us a century ago.

This time may Allah forbid, THEY WILL CAUSE TROUBLE FOR THEMSELVES… We need to well establish and explain the context of the danger.  We need to well explain Turkey’s determination and that we will never let our country divide.

A9 TV, July 11th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: If America or other countries stay determined about dividing Turkey, then there will NEITHER AMERICA nor Europe left in the world. Hell would break loose and the world would be destroyed. I have said this a thousand times. The world would be destroyed. They will forget about this.

May 16th, 2014, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: We will not let Turkey t be divided. They can think about it. But division is not possible. We will never let it happen. WE WOULD TURN THE WHOLE WORLD INTO HELL IN CASE OF SUCH A THING. If they even try to do something like that, the whole 80 million of us will be martyzed.  That’s another thing. But the whole world would turn upside down. There would not be any AMERICA or Russia, China left. THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD TREMBLE. All hell would break loose. So if you attempt to mess with the honor and dignity of the Turkish people, Allah would turn the world upside down. A country, in which Hazrat Mahdi (as) as born, could not be divided. You will forget about this. Now in Turkey there is the Islamic Union. All Kurdish, Laz and Circassian people have come together to establish the Islamic Union.


August 18th, 2014, Haber 7

August 11th, 2014, BBC Türkçe

The death 18 year-old Michael Brown after being shot by the police in the state of Missouri, America caused riots in the country. While protests continue, a 25 year-old African American was also killed by police fire in the state of California, Los Angeles. 500 people protested this incident in front of the Los Angeles police station.