However Darwinists claim that all these perfect details in man have been formed by coincidences
The 'discovery of the transitional form' is a fraud
Archaeopteryx: Extinct Bird And Transitional Form Dilemma
Transition from Water to Land Dilemma, The
Coelacanth is not a transitional form, it is a perfect deep-water fish
A new attempt for a fake transitional form by the Journal Nature: Tyrannosaur Euotica
Darwinists' insoluble dilemma
Surat al-Zumar, 32-37 (Allah creates and also creates the appreciation of what He creates)
The transition to bipedalism deception
Transitional Forms Richard Dawkins and the Darwinists Dream of Having
The deception that 'there are tons of transitional fossils and that dinosaur species represent transitional fossils'
A solution for Syria: Transitional Government
Evolutionary humanism
"allah Created Us, Not Evolution"
Human Rights
Drones Create More Terrorists
Facts about the claims of "Creating human-pig hybrid in the lab" published in National Geographic
How Carbon is Formed in Huge Stars
The PKK’s aim is to form a communist state
The invalidity of the claim that ""transitional forms do not mean deformed living things""
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very generous
The Deception That Therapsids Are Traniıtional Forms
Syria's human tragedy
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
Sarkozy: “Turkey Forms the Balance Of The World”