However Darwinists claim that all these perfect details in man have been formed by coincidences
Transitional Forms, The (The Transitional Species)
Human beings were created to serve Allah
A new attempt for a fake transitional form by the Journal Nature: Tyrannosaur Euotica
Readers say, "God created humans, not evolution"
The coelacanth that evolutionists claim as a transitional form is living in the seas as a perfect life form
Darwinists' insoluble dilemma
Pikaia is a perfect cambrian living thing. Claiming that it is a transitional form fossil is a deception.
Transition from Water to Land Dilemma, The
New interventions cannot solve the dilemma in Libya
Diatoms are a very special phytoplankton species created by almighty Allah as a blessing
Animals are created with an internal clock
Drones Create More Terrorists
Syria's human tragedy
Neanderthals: A Human Race
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very generous
A letter to humanity
The facts revealed by fossils: || No intermediate forms
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
Transitional Forms Richard Dawkins and the Darwinists Dream of Having
The Message Is Very Clear: Darwinism Is Not Science
Who is the first human being || First human being
Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) lips will be very beautiful. His appearance will be very majestic.