International news website based in New York – USA, Rescue News, published Harun Yahya’s article “A new attempt for a fake transitional form by the Journal Nature: Tyrannosaur Euotica” on April 13th 2016. You may read the article at the below links.
A new attempt for a fake transitional form by the Journal Nature: Tyrannosaur Euotica
Human is created very perfectly. || Transitional-form dilemma
Coelacanth is not a transitional form, it is a perfect deep-water fish
The Admission of “Sudden Emergence of Complex Life” in the journal Nature
Archaeopteryx: Extinct Bird And Transitional Form Dilemma
Transitional Forms Richard Dawkins and the Darwinists Dream of Having
Natural Comparisons
Architects in Nature
The Deception That Therapsids Are Traniıtional Forms
Democracy Comes Naturally With Islam
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
The selective nature of the nerve cells
An answer to the 'Alesi' Hoax put forward by evolutionist publications such as New Scientist and Nature
The invalidity of the claim that ""transitional forms do not mean deformed living things""
Transition from Sea to Land Thesis, The
The invalidity of the claim that ''the fossils known as transitional forms have been retracted because better ones have been found''
A new intermediate-form fairy tale on the BBC
Natural Comparisons: Dead Ringer
Social media’s unexpected role in Turkey coup attempt
Pikaia Is A Perfect Cambrian Living Thing, Claiming That It Is A Transitional Form Fossil Is A Deception
Why are Darwinist journals ceasing publication one after the other?
AL-MUSAWWIR- The Shaper; The Giver of Form
Death Penalty: A Uniquely Unjust Form Of Justice
Adnan Oktar: Tale of Transition from Water to Land