The angels were not created through evolution
God creates our world as images in the brain
Human Evolution Never Happened!
Human beings were created to serve Allah
God created the universe from nothing|| Creation of the universe
Making Up The Story Of Human Evolution
God created the universe from nothing
God says; ''If you unite, I will save you, protect you, give you peace and abundance.''
Animals are created with an internal clock
Sacrifices for the Sake of God
Syria's human tragedy
Harun Yahya posters saying "God Exists" on the Champs-Elysees (Paris)
What Will Dawkins Have to Say to This?: Londoners Say "We Support Creation"
What will Dawkins have to say to this? Londoners say 'we support creation'
That the only God is Allah…
The blessings Allah creates for believers in paradise
Some of our Christian brothers must not misinterpret the love of God. In genuine faith, love of God is experienced together with fear of God.
Drones Create More Terrorists
Jinn are Created from Fire
The Theory Of Evolution
Humanity’s Magnificent Perception of Scent
Evolution Theory, the
Freedom lies in God's embrace
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a manifestation of God like every living being, however He is not the Self of God (God is beyond that)