The news portal based in Kyrgyzstan, Barakelde, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Hormones That Are Able to Regulate Time and Produce the Differences Between the Sexes
Undetected bombardment of molecules
Cell renewal efforts of the thyroxin hormone
Miraculous Molecules: Proteins
Manufacturing a molecule in a laboratory environment is not evidence for evolution
The Hormones that Refute Darwinism
The Intelligent Defense Operatives in the Blood: Complement Molecules
Difference between Mahdi and messenger
Sugar molecule that strengthens wood: Cellulose
A bridge between Islam and the West: Turkey
Hemoglobin: An Extraordinary Molecule
Miraculous Molecules
The Red line between protests and riots
Visa removed between Cameroon and Turkey
What is the connection between the size of birds and their molting?
AL-FASIL - He Who Distinguishes (in the best way)
The structural differences between the sun, the moon and the stars
An Unending Tie Between Iran And Turkey
Visa will be lifted between Turkey and Krygzstan
The Hypocrites Aim to Drive a Wedge between Muslims
There Is No Such Thing as the “First Self-reproducing Molecule That Gave Rise to Life”
The flawless harmony between eyes and ears
How can the contagious terror be stopped?
How can we deal with familiarity?
There Can Be No Solution in Syria without Turkey