Living things that reproduce sexually may be subjected to geographic isolation when a land bridge collapses or continents drift apart one another. In that event, the same species in two separate regions may display different genetic characteristics. To put it another way, geographic obstacles may divide populations from one another. For example, land-dwelling animals may become separated from one another by deserts, waters, or high mountain ranges.192 If a population is divided into two or more regions, the genetic differences between them will increasingly broaden and eventually, the life forms in these different regions will develop into different breeds or races.193

When this separation reaches such a level as to prevent gene transfer between populations, then the similarity of characteristics between the different variations of a species is diminished.

Evolutionists erroneously maintain that living things on different continents or in different environments develop into different species. However, the different characteristics arising in different regions are nothing more than population differences. The genetic combination of those life forms obliged to reproduce in any one region is restricted, and specific characteristics in their genes come to the fore. Yet there is no question of any new species emerging.

The same applies to human beings. The different races on Earth have acquired different characteristics because of geographic isolation. The feature of dark skin came to predominate in one human group, and since these people lived in Africa and reproduced among themselves, a dark-skinned race was the result. The same thing applies to Far Eastern races with their almond-shaped eyes. Were it not for geographic isolation—in other words if human races had inter-married for hundreds of years—then everyone would now be a crossbreed. No one would appear to be black, white, or oriental; everyone would be an average of all racial characteristics.

Sometimes, when variations once divided from each other due to geographic reasons are reunited, they are unable to reproduce with one another. Since they are unable to reproduce, they cease being sub-species, according to modern biology’s definition, and become separate species. This is known as speciation.

Evolutionists, however, take this concept and infer that since there is speciation in nature, and new species form through natural mechanisms, that implies that all species formed in this way. Yet that inference actually conceals a grave deception.

There are two significant points to be made:

Variations A and B, which have been isolated from one another, may be unable to reproduce when reunited again. But this generally stems from mating behavior. In other words, individuals belonging to variation A are regarded as foreign by variation B, and therefore fail to mate, even though there is no genetic incompatibility to prevent mating. In terms of genetic information, therefore, they are still members of the same species. (Indeed, for that very reason the concept of “species” continues to be debated in biology.)

The really important point is that speciation represents a loss of genetic information, rather than an increase. The reason for the division is not that either or both variations have acquired new genetic information. There is no such genetic acquisition here. Neither variation has acquired any new protein, enzyme or organ. No development has gone on. On the contrary, instead of a population that previously contained genetic data for different characteristics (for example, for both long and short fur, or dark and light coloring), there are now two populations, both been impoverished in terms of genetic information.

Therefore, nothing about speciation supports the theory of evolution. Because the theory of evolution maintains that all living species developed from the simple to the complex through chance. In order for that theory to be taken seriously, therefore, it needs to be able to point to mechanisms that enhance genetic information. It must explain how life forms lacking eyes, ears, a heart, lungs, wings, feet or other organs and systems came to acquire them—and where the genetic data for these features arose. A species being divided into two through a loss of genetic information has nothing to do with evolution.

192 Ibid.
193  Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Ya?amF5n Temel KurallarF5, Genel Biyoloji/Genel Zooloji, Vol. I, Part I, Ankara, 1993, p. 606.