Documentaries recently broadcast on National Geographic TV and the History Channel dealt with the Neanderthals, an ancient human race. National Geographic"s program was called "Neandertal Enigma," and the History Channel"s "The Fate of the Neanderthals." The programs dealt with when and where the Neanderthals had lived and their cultural and anatomical features.

Documentaries recently broadcast on National Geographic TV and the History Channel dealt with the Neanderthals, an ancient human race. National Geographic"s program was called "Neandertal Enigma," and the History Channel"s "The Fate of the Neanderthals." The programs dealt with when and where the Neanderthals had lived and their cultural and anatomical features. Fossils and objects belonging to Neanderthals obtained from archaeological digs were shown. Taking these as a starting point, scientists" views on the Neanderthals" daily lives were canvassed and various guesses made. The following were the main questions to which answers were sought: Were the Neanderthals an extinct species, or did their genes come down to the present day by mixing with those of modern human beings? What happened when they encountered modern man?

Yet both channels aired a number of errors with regard to the origin of the Neanderthals as they sought the answers to these questions, portraying them as having emerged with evolution and as a primitive intermediate species. These errors in the documentaries consist of theses frequently brought up by evolutionists but consisting of nothing more than their own prejudices and imagination. Shortly before this, another Darwinist television channel, the Discovery Channel, put forward similar speculation, airing a program full of errors which totally ignoring the true identity of Neanderthal Man. Since the latest two documentaries are merely a copy of the claims made in that program, we invite our readers to read our response to this from here.