Truth-Seeker, Islamic website which publishes on the truth of creation, existence of Allah, and the purpose of life, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Manufacturing a molecule in a laboratory environment is not evidence for evolution
Neanderthals: A Human Race
Superiority Comes From Character, Not Race
Scientific evidences lead to faith
Cells that race and dance
Reincarnation Does Not Exist!
The coming of the universe into existence
The Invalidity Of The Claim That Bacterial Resistance To Antibiotics Is Evidence Of Evolution
Did Cavemen Really Exist?
Winter moths' different body structures
Show Me The Evidence That Refutes Evolution
The greatest explosion as one of the evidences of creation: The Big Bang
Did cavemen really exist?
Islam and Bigotry: Two Different and Opposite Religions
The invalidity of the claim that ''moral understanding exists from birth, you cannot ignore an actively existing concept''
Communism and evolution
Support For The Supposed Evidence Of Fictitious Evolution From Vatan Newspaper
Christians will always exist in the Middle East
NASA's new planetary discoveries are not evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life
Differences can become richness
“The events in America are the result of a Darwinist mindset that regards black people as a primitive race”
Different points in the rising and setting of the sun
Allah's art of portraying matter as if it really existed
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will prove Allah’s existence, creation, the universe, the Qur’an and the End Times using very strong evidence and none will have any counter-evidence to offer