A Palestinian based news agency providing up-to-the-minute news, both local and regional, Mashreq News, publishes Adnan Oktar's articles.
Did Cavemen Really Exist?
Did cavemen really exist?
Allah's art of portraying matter as if it really existed
Reincarnation Does Not Exist!
Is the Syrian War Really Over?
CNN Turk"s Errors A Scientific Refutation of the Documentary ""Walking with Cavemen""
No Darwinist is really a Darwinist at all
Will the Geneva Talks Really Produce a Solution to Syria?
Christians will always exist in the Middle East
Why did the Americans elect Trump?
The Scientific News Regarding the Reality of Existence of Matter
The invalidity of the claim that ""moral understanding exists from birth, you cannot ignore an actively existing concept""
Idealism, Matrix Philosophy and the True Existence of Matter
The importance of pondering upon the existence of water
The obvious existence of Allah
The existence of microscopic life
Never forget the existence of Satan
Nobody could play the role which Turkey did