A Palestinian based news agency providing up-to-the-minute news, both local and regional, Mashreq News, publishes Adnan Oktar's articles.
Did cavemen really exist?
Did Cavemen Really Exist?
Allah's art of portraying matter as if it really existed
Is The Lone Wolf Really Alone?
Did you know?
Threshold of Physical Existence: Quarks
Is PKK's terror really ending in Turkey?
The existence of animal societies
The obvious existence of God
The invalidity of the claim that ""moral understanding exists from birth, you cannot ignore an actively existing concept""
Will the Geneva Talks Really Produce a Solution to Syria?
Feeling Allah's existence while praying
Is the Syrian War Really Over?
Mr.Kılıcdaroğlu: We did the biggest wrong to Ataturk
Christianity, Islam and Judaism: They Can Peacefully Co-exist
The existence of Allah is a manifest reality
Never Plead Ignorance About the Existence of the Hereafter and the Day of Judgement
NASA's new planetary discoveries are not evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life
Is the cause really sectarian division?