What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar said that if Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu wants to win the Presidential elections, he would have to do twice as much as Mr. Erdogan; for example if Mr. Erdogan says ten verses, he needs to say twenty verses.

In a television show, İhsanoğlu said, “I believe in destiny. No one can change me. When death comes, what Allah says will happen” and he read the 24th verse of Surat al-Araf, “[ Allah ] said, "Descend, being to one another enemies. And for you on the earth is a place of settlement and enjoyment for a time."” in both Arabic and Turkish.

July 7th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I have told Mr. Ekmeleddin this formula. He needs to listen to me. While it’s not too late, he needs to recover from loss. Whatever Mr. Tayyip does, he needs to do twice as much; doing the same thing would not suffice. He must do twice as much. For example, if he reads ten verses, he must read twenty. If he prays for five minutes, he must pray for ten minutes. There is nothing wrong about being “mon cheri.” It is no problem. But this is the solution. Otherwise nothing would work.


July 9th , 2014: Bugün

Candidate for President Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu attended the “Central Politics Special” program broadcast on the Bugun and Kanalturk channels.

İhsanoğlu said, “I believe in destiny. No one can change me. When death comes, what Allah says will happen” and read the 24th verse of Surat al-Araf, “[ Allah ] said, "Descend, being to one another enemies. And for you on the earth is a place of settlement and enjoyment for a time." ” in both Arabic and Turkish.

July 10th , 2014: Haber Türk

Mr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu explained the slogan and logo he will use during his Presidential campaign as well as the election statement. Ihsanoglu began his speech with a prayer and by reading Surat al-Faith from the Turkish translation of the Holy Qur’an.