This documentary presents a series of unscientific and impossible scenarios one after another as if they actually happened. The film was made up of pictures of imaginary evolutionary periods from 400 million years ago to the present that were more fantastic than the tales of the Arabian Nights, and these pictures were presented to viewers as if they were scientific facts.

This documentary presents a series of unscientific and impossible scenarios one after another as if they actually happened. The film was made up of pictures of imaginary evolutionary periods from 400 million years ago to the present that were more fantastic than the tales of the Arabian Nights, and these pictures were presented to viewers as if they were scientific facts.

First of all, the title “400 million years ago” appeared on the screen with the following commentary, “a relatively short time ago evolution started from the seas and came onto the land.” But there was not the slightest explanation of how a fish could possibly have developed by chance events the physiological and organic systems required for life on the land. In comments such as “in order to live on the land animals felt the need to find ways to retain water in their bodies,” there was an obvious and unscientific attempt to attribute intention to evolution. Cine-5 obviously had no knowledge of the claims of the theory of evolution and did not even feel the need to review the claims of evolutionists with regard to Darwinist propaganda; it imagined changes in its own mind and passed over them lightly with illogical explanations such as “the fish wanted it and it happened.” But, no matter how much an organism may want something new or feel the need for a new organ, random mutations will not be of any avail.
Cine-5 continued its tale of evolution as follows:

“350 million years ago, giant insects developed water-resistant skins which permitted them to spread over the planet. 290 million years ago, many animals learned to live without a lot of water. Their hard skins prevented loss of water. 140 million years ago, reptiles evolved into birds. They had eggs designed to be water-resistant. This allowed them to live in some hostile areas of the planet. Mammals evolved in a way that they were able to retain water in their bodies. Some of them even adapted to living in the desert.”

It can be seen that there is not the least scientific explanation or proof in all this extensive narration presented by Cine-5 in its intended support evolutionist propaganda. How is it that the scales of reptiles could turn only into the feathers peculiar to birds? How is it that the full heavy bones or reptiles could turn into hollow birds’ bones light enough for flying? More importantly, how did the wing and its supporting muscles evolve? And how is it that at a certain point in this imagined process of evolution, half wings did not atrophy although they must have made reptiles on the way to being birds very clumsy. How is it that these animals, being at a disadvantage compared to other reptiles, did not disappear, being eliminated in their struggle for life?

Cine-5 gives no answer to these questions; it simply passes over them by making fantastic claims such as, “reptiles evolved into birds” or mammals evolved in a way that their bodies could retain water.” Actually, evolutionists have never been able to explain the origin of mammals and there is an issue that strikes a major blow to their theory. For example, the well-known evolutionist Roger Lewin summarized the quandary that evolutionists find themselves in when he writes, "The transition to the first mammal, still an enigma." (Roger Lewin, “Bones of Mammals, Ancestors Fleshed Out”, Science, vol. 212, June 26, 1981, p. 1492) But, instead of relying on scientific findings in its attempt to get the masses to accept the theory of evolution, Cine-5 chose the fantasy of the frog that turned into a prince and so made discussion of the dilemma impossible.