Daily Arabic language political newspaper based in Baghdad, Al Mada newspaper is an independent and one of the mostly read publication of Iraq. Al Mada newspaper publishes Harun Yahya’s articles.
Draw the line on hate crimes
Crossing the Line in Democracy
Preventable crimes and how to deal with them
Why try to show that Muslims hate Jews?
Our Prophet's (saas) line of descent
Redrawing Maps: Is Saudi Arabia next in line?
Atlas Of Creation' Message Crosses Religious Lines
The holy line of Prophet Muhammad (saas): Sayyids
Jordan next in line for visas
Ahmet Hakan: Isn’t it a crime when they murder with tanks or machine guns?
Ukrainians line up to convert to Islam
The Crime against Humanity in Yarmouk Must Be Ended As a Matter of Urgency!
Increasing the Number of Prisons Won’t Solve the Crime Problem
Turkey and its red lines in Cyprus
The False Tale Of Mammal Development That GEO Seeks To Spread Between The Lines
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity || Harakah Daily
Radicals Hate Even the Animals
Eid al-Fitr prayer at Moscow's central mosque draws tens of thousands of Muslims
Every month of Ramadan is an opportunity to draw closer to God
Haeckel"s Embryo Drawings Are Fraudulent
From Which Creatures Do Drones Draw Inspiration?