A Palestinian based news agency providing up-to-the-minute news, both local and regional, Mashreq News, publishes Adnan Oktar's articles.
Draw the line on hate crimes
Radicals Hate Even the Animals
Crossing the Line in Democracy
Biomimetics: Drawing inspiration from the design in living things
The Crime against Humanity in Yarmouk Must Be Ended As a Matter of Urgency!
Harun Yahya On The Front Line In The Fight Against Darwinism
Every month of Ramadan is an opportunity to draw closer to God
EU, Turkey find silver lining
Turkey and its red lines in Cyprus
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity
Haeckel's embryo drawings are fraudulent
A key project drawing Russia and Turkey nigh: The Turkish Stream
Redrawing Maps: Is Saudi Arabia next in line?
Preventable crimes and how to deal with them
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity || Harakah Daily
The red line between protests and riots