A Palestinian based news agency providing up-to-the-minute news, both local and regional, Mashreq News, publishes Adnan Oktar's articles.
Ramadan: Time of Elevation of the Soul
The Joy of Ramadan in Ottoman Times
The joy of Ramadan in Ottoman times
The holy month of Ramadan: A blessing for the souls of all Muslims || Aaila Magazine
The holy month of Ramadan: A blessing for the souls of all Muslims
The danger of 'lightness' in the soul
Discipline Your Soul
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms || Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
Ramadan, healer of hearts || New Straits Times
The effects of arrogance and pride on the soul
A very healthy month with Ramadan || New Straits Times
The warmth of Ramadan
Atheist masonic denial of the soul
Warmth of Ramadan
The End Times
Joy of Ramadan
It is time to reflect
RAMADAN 2008 - THE 25th DAY
RAMADAN 2004 - The 17th Day
RAMADAN 2005 The 25th Day
Ramadan 2014, The 10th Day
The Joy of Ramadan for Muslims
Competing in (and for) Good Deeds in Ramadan