Thank you for sending me a copy of, Matter: The Other Name for Illusion. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.
Muslim Congress in the United States
Statements like that of Israeli Columnist Dan Margalit would cause great harm to Israel
Family Members Recognizing One Another
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That ıslam İs The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
AK Party Members Danced the halay with the ladies
The Police Department issued a report stating that the PYD is made up of the members of the PKK
Muslims are like members of a large family
Hillary Clinton Should Espouse the Security of Turkey, a NATO Member, Not the PKK Terrorists
Mas-icna Congress
The Country Members of OSCE gathered in Kazakhstan
The iftar banquet held at the Çırağan Palace brought the members of many different religions together.
The Statue of PKK Member Mahsum Korkmaz Taken Down
Erdogan: I love Kurdish people more than the members of the terror organisition of PKK do
Imam Antepli Delivers Opening Prayer to US Congress
“Let us send messages of love and support from everywhere to all our Christian brothers, the members of the Church of Agape in Samsun”
Sheila Harter, On Behalf Of Louise Slaughter ( Member Of Congress )
Turkey — a unique member of NATO
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That islam is The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
PKK Members, Coming Back Trained
For world peace Turkey must be a member of the European Union