Creationist Tour In Switzerland

Creationist Tour In Switzerland


Le Temps, one of the leading French newspapers of Switzerland with approximately 150.000 readers, published an article titled "Creationist Tour in Switzerland" on May 22, 2010. Some of the information communicated in the article was as follows:

After Lugano, the Turkish Muslim creationist Harun Yahya organizes conferences in Lausanne, Geneva and Zurich next week... He will participate by videoconference.

Evolution is a lie and matter is an illusion. That"s what can be deduced from the posters placed to announce "scientific conferences on the origin of life" in the cities of Lausanne, Geneva and Zurich, on 25, 26 and 28 May... 

Harun Yahya who is the author of many books, sold several million copies, became known by his Atlas of Creation distributed to all kinds of institutions and schools in Europe and the whole world in 2007. This book of ten kilos, with a hologram cover explains that the source of all the evils of the world such as racism, fascism and communism is Darwin and atheistic Darwinism. Comparisons of photographs of fossils and their living specimens occupy hundreds of pages. They show that since Allah created the world, nothing has changed.

The conference is composed of two parts. In the first part, "the collapse of the theory of evolution" is explained. In the second part the subject of "secret behind matter” is discussed. To summarize, everything that surrounds us exists only through the perception of our senses. This perception is created by a Supreme Power, Allah; this can be compared to a television signal continuously broadcasting. After Death… there is the Day of Judgment, Hell or Heaven. This information can be reached from the website about matter.

