This is one means by which organisms such as bacteria transmit genes between themselves. In conjugation, two bacteria from the same species come alongside one another and form a temporary cytoplasmic bridge, over which a mutual exchange of DNA takes place.90

Genetic variety in bacteria is increased by means of conjugation. However, since no separate bacterial cell emerges as a result, this mechanism cannot be regarded as sexual reproduction.91 (Bacterial reproduction by way of mutual contact is known as sexual reproduction with conjugation.)

Evolutionists, however, do regard these newly emerging genetic variations as a universal feature of sexual reproduction. Since the initial bacteria have different characteristics from those that emerge subsequently, evolutionists take this as evidence for evolution. In fact, what is happening here is actually variation. The genes from the two bacteria do give rise to further variety, but no new genes or genetic data are added to the genetic pool. As a result, the bacteria remain the same species of bacteria, and no new subspecies emerges.

90 Ozer Bulut, Davut Sagdic, Elim Korkmaz, Lise Biyoloji 3 (“High School Biology  3”), p. 135.
91 Musa Ozet, Osman Arpaci, Ali Uslu, Biology 1, Istanbul: Surat Publishing, 1998, p. 138.