Truth-Seeker, Islamic website which publishes on the truth of creation, existence of Allah, and the purpose of life, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Carbon-14 testing
Rock Stars and Suicides
Pulsars: Pulsating Stars
A Huge Book That Argues The Creationist Case
1500 Special Operations Officers Barricaded Cizre with a Huge Operation
How do auroras (Polar lights) seen at the North and South Pole regions form?
Allah’s Different Forms of Creation
The deception that therapsids are transiitional forms
The star sirius
A Huge Darwinist Deception Regarding the Trilobite Eye
Carbon-based life
Death Penalty: A Uniquely Unjust Form Of Justice
Will the Trend of Rock Star Suicides End Soon?
The star and crescent are in the skies of Cairo
How to Defeat Daesh
Turkish Stars present an airshow in Southeast.
The Syndicate allocated its five star hotel to the earthquake disaster sufferers
Extremism in Britain, and how to tackle it
Time to remember a huge claim
Former Football Star Abel Xavier Converts to Islam
Pope: True Islam is Opposed to All Forms of Violence
We do not See with our Eyes; The Vision is Formed in Our Brain