Harun Yahya speakers spoke on ‘Science and Islam’ topic at the conference organized at the Amal International School.
Amal Trust “The Qur’an and Modern Science” Conference
Ijaaz International Conference
Conference at Cambridge International Business College in Freiburg
Union Of Faiths Conference At The Kassim Darwish High School For Boys
Harun Yahya books and DVDs at Ijaz International conference in Vienna
Union Of Faiths Conference At The Manchester islamic High School For Girls
Harun Yahya Conference At St. George"s School Of Medicine, London
Collapse of Darwinism Conference at Wasil School
The Harun Yahya Representatives in The 6th international Conference Of Mahdism Doctrine (islamic Messianism)
Amal Trust "The Qur'an and Modern Science" Conference
International Book Fair
2nd International Conference on The Origin of Life and The Universe at the Istanbul Ritz-Carlton Hotel
The theory of evolution to be reviewed in schools
Moscow International Book Fair
‘the Miracle Of Human Creation' Conference At Australian international islamic College
The international Jerusalem Post
Islamabad, Conference On The Turkish-Islamic Union At The International Islamic University
Atlas Of Creation is Flooding French Schools
Fossil Exhibition at a French School in the Hague
The Rohingya Crisis An International Issue
Representatives of Harun Yahya Held Conferences at the gathering of CIRCES International, sub-committee of Knights Templars (OSTI)
Internal Voice that Shows us the Way
Fossil Exhibition in Islamic school in Rotterdam