Sadun Engin, traveled to Colorado representing Mr. Adnan Oktar and held a conference for some members of the International Cultural and Spiritual Research Community (CIRCES - Cercle International de Recherches Culturelles Et Spirituelles), which is a sub-committee of OSTI (The Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique) Templar Knights, on the 24th of September 2011.

Sadun Engin spoke of the collapse of materialism and the Oneness of Allah under the title of the Secret Beyond Matter and anoter representative spoke to the fact that Islam is a religion of peace, love and brotherhood, how Muslims should look at the People of the Book (Jews and Christans), and that the members of all three religions should unite in order to spread the Existence and Oneness of Allah and for the establishment of peace and brotherhood. In addition, in the continuation of the conference, he made a statement about the portents of the End Times we live in, the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and the environment of love, brotherhood and peace in the time of Golden Age.

At the conference, which was attended by a selected community made up of people from different states of the USA, and among whom there were high level government officials, Harun Yahya's books were presented to the attendees. During the conference, Timothy Hogan, who serves as the Grand Master of the OSTI Templar Knights, made a speech about the importance of Islam and Istanbul for the Templars in attendance.