20 January 2007
Muslim Education Center

Islam Denounces Terrorism
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


21 January 2007
Muslim Community Center

Miracles of the Qur’an
Islamic Union
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


23 January 2007
lgin Community College

The return of the Prophet Jesus
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


24 January 2007
Parkland College of Illinois

Islam Denounces Terrorism
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


25 January 2007
Pennstate University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


26 January 2007
Foundation for Islamic Education

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution
Miracles of the Qur’an


27 January 2007
University of Pittsburg

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


29 January 2007
Buffalo University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


30 January 2007
Universal School

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


31 January 2007
SUNYIT University

The Big Bang and the Universe
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


31 January 2007
Hamilton College

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


01 February 2007
State University of Albany

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation 


02 February 2007
Islamic Center of the Capital District

Miracles of the Qur’an

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


05 February 2007
Islamic Academy for Peace

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation
Miracles of the Qur’an


06 February 2007
University of Connecticut

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


07 February 2007
Kean University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


08 February 2007
William Paterson University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


08 February 2007
Rutgers University, New Brunswick

The Islamic Union and the Return of the Prophet Jesus
Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


09 February 2007

The Return of the Prophet Jesus
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution
Miracles of the Qur’an


10 February 2007
Al-Tawheed Center

Jesus Will Return
Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


11 February 2007
Islamic Society of Central Jersey

Jesus Will Return
Miracles of the Qur’an


12 February 2007
Rutgers University, Newark

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


12 February 2007
New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


13 February 2007
Masjid Al-Taqwa

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


15 February 2007
Towson University

Jesus Will Return
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution

21 February 2007
Al Iman School

The Creation of Man
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution

21 February 2007
Islamic Center of Raleigh

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


22 February 2007
Clemson University

Islam and Science
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


23 February 2007
Georgia Tech

Islam and Science
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


25 February 2007
University of Miami

Islam and Science
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


26 February 2007
Florida Atlantic University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


26 February 2007
Florida International University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


27 February 2007
University of South Florida

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


27 February 2007
University of Florida

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


28 February 2007
Vanderbilt University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


1 March 2007
Tennessee State University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation


2 March 2007
Western Kentucky University

The Qur’an Leads the Way to Science
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


2 March 2007
University of Louisville

The Return of the Prophet Jesus
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


3 March 2007
Islamic & Arab Voice of Chicago Community

A radio address introducing the author’s works


3 March 2007
Islamic Community Center Des Plaines

The Islamic Union
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


5 March 2007
Wayne State University

The Return of the Prophet Jesus
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


5 March 2007
Islamic American University

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution
Miracles of the Qur’an


6 March 2007
Michigan Technological University

Islam and Science
Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


8 March 2007
Lincoln Land Community College

Miracles of the Qur’an
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution


8 March 2007
College of Dupage

The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution and the Fact of Creation