The Bosnia Times, which is published in English and Bosnian, published Harun Yahya’s article “Condemning Refugees to Death” on September 06, 2015. You may read the article at the below link.
Condemning Refugees to Death
The lessons from death
When Death Is Not The End
“A City for Refugees” in Syria
Will Europe pass the refugee test?
Will Europe Pass the Refugee Test?
Death penalty: Justified murder
Are the People of Rakhine Condemned to Be Oppressed in the Countries to Which They Flee?
The unspoken Mideast refugees: Jews
A death-dealing journey for a better life
Syria: Death Everywhere
A heart for helping refugees
Refugees Not a Threat, But an Important Asset for Europe
Syrian refugees in the fourth year of the crisis
Is Africa Condemned to Hunger and Famine?
Refugees: Stopping the madness
Death penalty in Indonesia: once again on scene
A Nay to Death Penalty By the Mufti of Egypt
Death: the moment when worldly pleasures end
Mourning preventable deaths
Refugee children should be Europe’s big concern