Islamic and news website published in India, Muslim Mirror, published Harun Yahya’s article “Mourning preventable deaths” on February 08th, 2015.
Mourning preventable deaths
The Polytheists' Conception of Mourning
Darwinists are in mourning in France
Preventing Syria’s disintegration
Preventing Bloody Fridays
Condemning Refugees to Death
No change since Aylan’s death
Preventable crimes and how to deal with them
Syria: Death Everywhere
Syria: Death everywhere
How are Prophets' deaths recounted in the Qur'an?
Death Is Not The End
When Death Is Not The End
Prevent the rise of a North Korea-style Kurdish dictatorship
The miracle that prevents the sun’s ceasing to exist
A Nay to Death Penalty By the Mufti of Egypt
Death is not the end
A death-dealing journey for a better life
Anger prevents one from seeing beauties