Building a nation is done with love
What Can Be Done To Ensure Stability In Yemen? || National Yemen
Building a New Civilization
“Rescue us Turkey!”
Love should come to the rescue for appeasing the streets of Pakistan
Ebola Outbreak: Not simply some figures || News Rescue
Building a new civilization
The New Police Staff Recruitment of 15,000 for Turkish National Police
The Solution To Violence Against Women: Love Of God || National Yemen
Bahçeli: Everyone that loves their country is a member of the Turkish nation
Disunity: The Reason Behind The Bloodshed In The Islamic World || News Rescue
What Needs To Be Done In The Islamic World
Romantic Nationalism (1)
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That ıslam İs The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
Comments of Mr. Adnan Oktar for Israel National News, June 22nd, 2010, Israel
Nests that Bumblebees Build
Legitimate and illegitimate love
Greece is on the crossroads; Europe will either rescue it or it will go bankrupt
Love is the only cure
United Nations needs urgent reforms
President Erdogan: ‘It is not acceptable to bring up hostility from the past and cause new conflicts, and it is also not useful for us while building our new common future.’
How do Birds Build Their Spectacular Constructions?