Konya TV, February 28, 2008
Adnan Oktar: The duty of Turkey is to become the leader of Turkish Islamic world. Turkish nation has a great responsibility in this. Leading the Turkish – Islamic world is one of the most significant missions to be taken on throughout the history of the world. This is one of the vital roles of Turkish nation. In other words,AS TURKISH NATION, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RESCUING NOT ONLY TURKEY BUT ALSO WHOLE TURKISH ISLAMIC WORLD INDEED…
Cay TV, July 23, 2008
Adnan Oktar: Everybody should sincerely believe that Turkey changes for the better indeed and we really will be a superpower. Turkey will be a great state as it has never been before in the history. Turkey will be the leader of Turkish Islamic World, Insha’Allah. Now we are at the beginning stage of that historical mission.TURKISH NATION WILL RESCUE THE WHOLE WORLD FROM ANARCHY, TERROR, OPPRESSION, PAIN AND ALL KINDS OF OTHER GRIEF FACTORS. Sure enough, the Turkish Nation is noble, courteous and matured with grief and pain while having a leader spirit to rule the world and be beneficial. Insha’Allah, this duty of our nation is a blessing from Allah. In the near future, we will see it coming true as wished, Insha’Allah.
Daily Bugun, March 01, 2010

While the clashes erupted between Israel police forces and the Palestinian protesters at Al-Aqsa Mosque are subsided, the Palestinians have gathered in front of the mosque to shout slogans as “Long Live Turkey!”, “Tayyip, the Great!”, “Rescue us Turkey!” |
Daily Turkiye, March 01, 2010
Rescue Us Tukey