Then in the Hereafter, they will have no chance to get back to this world and correct errors.
Before you regret
Before You Regret
Devoted To Allah
People's attitude in the face of trials reveal their devotion to Allah
Do you notice the unanticipated beauties Allah creates for you?
Sincerity means being deeply devoted to Allah by heart
The regret felt in hell - 1
CHP: The seventh arrow religious devotion
The original of the matter created in the brain: You must first read this to see the artistry of Allah!
The regret felt in hell - 2
Bedouins and Their Debased Culture before Islam
Dear Christian Friends and All Devoted Ones to God
All systems will be tried before Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Sincerity Means Being Deeply Devoted to Allah by Heart
You are the last standard bearer of Islam
Overcoming Obstacles Before Turkish-Greek Alliance
A response to Yigit Bulut's claim that 'you cannot explain what was before the big bang nor link that to the big bang'
Economic crisis before the coming of the Mahdi
Allah is always with you
“Before ISIS, they should wipe out the PKK"
The good and the bad: Whose side are you on?
You can not fight terrorism in a spirit of defeatism