Do you notice the unanticipated beauties Allah creates for you?
The good and the bad: Whose side are you on?
Do you make every effort to attain something you want?
Treating others the way you want to be treated
Europe gets strong with you
What if you never got thirsty?
You are the last standard bearer of Islam
Allah is always with you
Things you are curious about regarding the coup attempt in Turkey
Why Do You Deceive Yourself? (3)
Tal Abyad is not what you think!
What if you were living in a refugee camp? || Kuwait Times
Never forget that death may come upon you at any moment
The president Gül: there is a very powerful country behind you
Never Plead Ignorance That Everything You Possess is a Favour From Allah
Becoming Aware of the Scourge of Darwinism
Before you regret