Islamonline, one of the most visited Islamic web sites published in Qatar by Egyptian scholar Yusuf al-Qardawi, devoted a place to many articles of Mr. Harun Yahya. On April 25th, 2005 it published the author’s article titled “Before You Regret.”
Before You Regret
The regret felt in hell - 1
Before you regret
Death & The eternal regret for disbelievers
Economic crisis before the coming of the Mahdi
Did you know?
God says; ''If you unite, I will save you, protect you, give you peace and abundance.''
Bedouins and Their Debased Culture before Islam
Do you notice the unanticipated beauties Allah creates for you?
What if you never got thirsty?
The good and the bad: Whose side are you on?
In order not to feel regret in the hereafter
A response to Yigit Bulut's claim that 'you cannot explain what was before the big bang nor link that to the big bang'
You are among your brothers
All systems will be tried before Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Allah is always with you
Overcoming Obstacles Before Turkish-Greek Alliance
Obtaining permission before entering the houses of others
Did you know that 'salamanders' lost limbs are replaced?
Rasulullah (saas) heralded the usage of the atomic bomb before the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Treating others the way you want to be treated
Europe will be stronger with you