English daily newspaper published from Pakistan, The Daily Mail, published Harun Yahya's article "An Artificial, False Player: The PYD/YPG" on September 08th, 2015.
Terror Activities of the YPG/PYD in Northern Syria
PYD/YPG: The British Deep State’s Pawn in Syria
Artificial and Insincere Speech
Turkey an international player
An artificial, false player: The PYD/YPG
False god of chance, the
PYD: Another Face of Terror
Famous Australian Rugby Player Blake Ferguson Embraces Islam
Mustafa Muslim: “The PYD and the YPG are branches of the PKK”
Mr. Davutoğlu: “The source of the terrorist activities of the PYD and the YPG is Qandil”
Turkey-US Relationship and the Problem of YPG
NBA Basketball Player Shaquille O'Neal is going to hajj
The PYD & the PKK: two sides of a coin
Non-Islamic false-representation of Islam
Darwinists' ''Artificial Life'' Deception
The Name of the PKK Terror Organization in Syria is the PYD
The appearance of false Messiahs will hinder the recognition of the Prophet Jesus (as)
Can Spider Silk Be Finally Produced Artificially?
The leaders of the false world who call others to the fire
Why Are Darwinists Still Resorting To False Dino-Bird Myths?