Istanbul Tour with Our Guests
With Our Guests from the Science World-1
Creation Museum - Sea urchin
Creation Museum - Crocodile skull
Creation Museum - Bivalve
Creation Museum - Ground cricket
Creation Museum - Neddle fish
Guests of Adnan Oktar
Creation Museum - Red wolf skull
Creation Museum - Sturgeon (With it's pair)
Creation Museum - Oak leaf
The Muslims of Arakan will be saved by the Turkish-Islamic Union
Why Turkish Islamic Union is Necessary?
What did Mehrez Ben Rhouma, Ambassador of Tunisia to the Turkish Republic say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
The Anti-Turkish and Anti-Islamic Stance of the British Deep State
International Council of Museums - France, Dr. Arch. Malina Mihailova
Creation Museum - Mene fish
Armenians are the People of the Book and our brothers
What did Shabrahman Muhammad Cibril, Member of the Movement for Change say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Freemason & Templar guests
The Miracles of our Prophet (s.a.v.) -1-
The life of our Prophet (saas) is an example to the worlds
What did Muhammed Nur, Mayor of Mogadishu, Governor of Benadir Region, Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Fossil Hunter 3 Mugla Museum
Hundreds of Jews Became Muslim