From "Masons 1" documentary
What darwinists said, what happened then
Grand Master Joseph S. Crociata - The Grand Lodge of Washington, D.C. Free and Accepted Masons / USA
Jewish Human Rights on the Temple Mount from an Islamic perspective
It doesn't make sense to say it happened by chance
The masons war against religion
Masons efforts to prevent the Turkish-Islamic Union
Conditions for joining the masons and what happens during the initiation rites
The hypocrite makes friends not with the believer but with the irreligious
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El, Closter, NJ. President of the NY Board of Rabbis
Each of the portents of the end times is a great miracle: Could you accurately predict what will happen in 1400 years' time?
Knowing what you see
Auxiliary Bishop Pablo Virgilio S. David, Auxiliary Bishop of San Fernando, the Philippines
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin says: Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)'s portents have been realized.
Dr. Bernard Brandstater: Our Motto Is to Make Men Whole
The features of the society in which Maryam lived
The Prophet (saas) practiced only that which was revealed to him
What will our life in heaven be like?
The nonsense of evolution, which is devoid of any scientific validity, is imposed in schools in many countries of the world
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts’s Lecture During the 2nd Intl Conf on the Origin of Life and the Universe (21.05.2017-Ritz Carlton)
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Do you think Social Darwinism is still making an impact today?
God does what He wills
Dr. Hugh Ross Talks about the Latest Discovery Which Proves the Universe Has a Beginning
Dr. Cihad Gündoğdu’s Lecture during the 1st Intl Conf. on the Origin of Life and the Universe held by TBAV (24.08.2016 - Conrad)
Dr. Jeff Zweerink’s Lecture during the 1st Intl Conf. on the Origin of Life and the Universe held by TBAV (24.08.2016 - Conrad)