Whales that migrate for their young
Musa (as) flees from Egypt
Dr. Stephen Lambden, Academic Researcher at University of California, Merced
Dr. Carlo Cossano: Why is scientific struggle against Darwinism important?
Don Mucker - USA
Flowers that give off perfumes
Cute baby rabbit falling asleep
Examples of living fossils: Tiger skull
The camouflage of butterflies
Leader of Al-Nahda Movement, Tunisia, Rashid Al-Gannushi
The haji obligation through western eyes
Islamic rule in Jerusalem
In the name of Allah all Merciful, most Merciful part 2
Episode-2 The Big Bang and Our Place in the Universe
The Golden Ratio in The Lungs
Natural disasters
A Hypocrite is Full of Hatred; His Inherent Cruelty and Corruption Spoil His Body and Soul
The earth will disgorge its charges
The miracle in the auditory system
Ahmed Sakr / Egypt
Fani Palli Petralia, Former Minister for Employment and Social Protection, Former Minister of Tourism of Greece
The misconceptions of those who seek evidence for the theory of evolution in the verses of the Quran