Whales that migrate for their young
The successors of the templars: The Freemasons
Hunter fish
Mr. Nury Turkel Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Earth's mass and its protective shield
Dr. Dariush Borbor, Architect and Planner, Iran
The Geckos adhesion technique
According to NBC News, there are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world
Abdullah Omar Issa Mdala, Muslim Association of Malawi
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live talk with Prof. Charles Asher Small, Director of Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy on A9 TV (29 December 2011; 11:00)
Aftab Ahmad, MD/CEO at Lahore Stock Exchange
Mutual support
Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani
Dr. Oktar Babuna, Neurosurgeon
Future developments in transportation
Freemasons in the Turkic states
Nouzha Skalli, Former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development Nouzha skalli, eski fas dayanışma, kadınlar, aile ve sosyal gelişim bakanı
He called upon the People of the Book to have faith without ascribing partners to God
Karl Man and Helen Vicret, Taksim Fossil Exibition - February 2015
Creation Museum - Red wolf skull
Dr. Oktar Babuna on the Tactical Talk with Zain Khan, 14 Sep 2017
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live tv conversation with Rabbi Mr. Mordékhai Chriqui and Mr. Avigdor Eskin from Israel (January 4th, 2017)