Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -3-
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -5-
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -4-
Events that will take place after "The Sun rises in the west"
Miracles that take place every second in our bodies
Some of the processes that take place within the body in a matter of seconds
The rising of the sun in the west is approaching (How will this great portent take place?)
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -1-
Events that will take place on The Day of Judgment
Noah's Ark has been found (with documents)
Miracles that take place every second in the universe
The various methods of terrorism
Mr. Nury Turkel Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
Seed 2
Mr. Nury Turkel - Lawyer, Eastern Turkestan, USA
The bloody history of communism-2
The Origin of Life and the Universe-2
Haaretz Middle East Affairs Analyst, Dr. Zvi Barel
The Pharaoh buried under the waters 2
The names of Allah 2
Our cute friends - for children 2
Various examples of camouflage
Freemasons and Templars are performing prayers 2
Perished nations: The people of Ad 2
The miracle planet - 2