From "The digestive system: The mill in our bodies" documentary
Zohreh Niknia - Mills College
The digestive system: The mill in our bodies
The intestines: The exit from the mill
The complex structure of the mill
Mr. Adnan Oktar's April 2018 Media Publications
Arabian birds
The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
Rebecca, Georgetown University
Rabbi Dr. Dov Maymon, Senior Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute
Ruth Michaelson-a journalist who Rumi philosophy, Darwinism and homosexuality
The Prophet Sulayman's (pbuh) superior knowledge and blessings
God knows everything
Prof. M. El Masry, Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo
Dr. Fadi Khalaf, Secretary General of the Arab Federation of Stock Exchange
Miracles of the Qur'an - 04
Are natural disasters a precursor of the end times?
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano’s Opinions about Mr. Adnan Oktar
The Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) exemplary approach toward The People of The Book
Jesus birth
The hidden treatise by the famous Russian writer about the Prophet Muhammed (SAAS)
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute
Outbook of Islam on the People of the Book
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with political adviser Prof. Moshe Maoz on A9 TV (22 December 2011; 10:00)
God's blessing of technology
Suraya Pakzad, Executive Director of Voice of Women Organization, Afghanistan