Hibernating bears are a source of inspiration for new discoveries in medicine
Love and cooperation in living things
Who inspired Rumi?
The signs in living things
Islam: The source of modern sciences
Camouflage in living things
Oxygen, our source of life
Division among Muslims is a source of ‘affliction’ not ‘mercy’
Signs of creation
The names of Allah: Al Hayy (The Living, He Who Knows and is Almighty to Do All Things)
Technology in nature
Did you know these things about polar bears?
Science discovers creation
The fact of creation
Biomimetics organs superior to technology
Creation Museum - Pelican beak
Creation Museum - Coral
Creation Museum - Trilobite
Biomimetics: Technology imitates nature
The miracles of the Qur'an: Creation from clay
The creation of the universe
Creation Museum - Sun coral
The soil has been a source of civilizations in all ages
A star that is the source of life: Sun