From "The miracle of seed" documentary
Seed 4
Winged seeds
The miracle of seed
The bloody history of fascism - 2
Big Bang 2
Fossil Hunter 2 Fossil Forest
The amazing journey of the salmon 2
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth 2
Agricultural ants 2
Seed 3
Living fossils: Proofs of creation 2
Perished nations: The people of Ad 2
Paradise in the words of the prophet (saas) -2-
The names of Allah: Al Faliq (The Splitter of Seeds, He Who Clefts the Darkness and Produces the Morning)
A call for unity - 2
A9 TV Traditional Iftar at Ciragan Palace, 2018 (2)
In the name of Allah all Merciful, most Merciful part 2
The names of Allah 2
Some statements of Adnan Oktar on the religion of ignorance - 2
Perished nations -2
Excellent Muslim Women Our Mother Hazrat Aisha's (ra) - 2-
The Origin of Life and the Universe-2
Flying seeds
Special A9 TV interview with Prof. Michio Kaku 2