From "The Qur'an leads the way to science" documentary
Dr Ibrahim Shogar, International Islamic University Malaysia - Islamic Philosophy of Science
Science discovers creation
Signs of the last day: Science and technology
A concept of science based on the Qur'an
Science Continues to Support The Big Bang
The birth of science in the west
Islam: The source of modern sciences
Islamic Scholar
Tolerance, justice and compassion in Islam
The new rise of Islam in Europe
Dr. Ali Asghar Saeidi, Social Prof. of Sociology and Sociology and Social Policy in the University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Sciences, Iran
Prof. Douglas Geivett Talks on How Understanding Science Relates to Understanding the Creator
Mr.Kenneth Keathley: Theology Professor Identifies Science’s Role with Christianity
Why an Islamic Union?
Why Turkish Islamic Union is Necessary?
Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, Sabri Sherif
Love and respectfulness is the way of winning people over to Islam
With Our Guests from the Science World-1
Osman Omar Elmuhammed, Islamic Scholar
Hujjat Al-Islam Al Ghazali 1058 - 1111
James Gelvin, Professor of History at University of California - USA
Prince Charles: ‘Follow the Islamic way to save the world’
Imam Suliman Gani, Tooting İslamic Center, London
Science research foundation - introduction