Dr. Said A. Al-Shaikh – The National Commercial Bank – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Miracles of the end times of our Prophet -18 Conflicts in Damascus, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
What did Mr. Ahmad Farid Mustafa, Architect , Saudi Arabia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Basil M. Al Ghalayini, Chairman and CEO of BMG Financial Group- Saudi Arabia
Prof. Obaid Khan London College in Richmond group scout Leader
Return to Reality 1 - Sheikh Hassan Dyck
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Arabia Commercial Agency Co. Ltd, Omar Bajammal
Dr. Walid Al-Salhi, International Civil Society Consultant speaks for A9 TV
Prof. Hassan Abbas, Professor of National Defense University - Washington DC & Asia Society's Advisor
Hassan Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
The conversation of our brothers in Germany made with Sheikh Hassan, one of the representatives of his Highness Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani
What did Dr. Jiffry Abdulaziz , Int Org. of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Science Saudi Arabia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Ahmed Hassan Taha, Imam of the Abi Maha The Great Mosque
Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)
Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan, Naqshbandi Haqqani Community Ensemble (Hjh Fatimah Mosque Group), Singapore
Rabbi Arthur Schneir, Founder and President of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation & United Nations Ambassador to the Alliance of Civilizations High-Level Group
Managing Director at Acquaint Consulting, Shereen Aldisi
The Hypocrite Considers the Shadow States of the World and the Power Groups More Powerful Than God – surely God is beyond that - and Feels Admiration for Them
Prof. Hassan B. Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
Man Hee Lee, Founder, Chairman and President of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light and Namhee Kim, Chairwoman of the International Women’s Peace Group
Mazen Hayek, Official Spokesman and Group Director of Public Relations and Commercial at Middle East Broadcast Corporation (MBC)
Jurgen Voss - Germany Senior International Consultant and Arbitrator
Hafed Al-Ghwell, Advisor to the Dean of the Board of Directors & The Executive Director - World Bank Group
Return to Reality 10- Muhammad Robert Heft - Speaker, President of P4E Support Group Inc. (Canada)