Muhammad Abdul Sattar Khan, Naqshbandi Haqqani Community Ensemble (Hjh Fatimah Mosque Group), Singapore
Prof. Dov Shinar, Head Center for the Study of Conflict, War and Peace Coverage, Netanya Academic College
Zohreh Niknia - Mills College
Prof. Dr. John Esser, Department Chair of Sociology & Anthropology at Wagner College
Dr. Zafarul – Islam Khan, Editor & Publisher
Professor at London Business School, Michael G. Jacobides
Prof. Dr. Hillel Nossek, Faculty member at the Kinneret College
Prof. M. El Masry, Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo
Eslam Lotfy, Lawyer and Former Leader of the Youth Wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt
Kayhan Publishing London, Managing Director, Nazenin Ansari
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in London
Prof. Steven M. Walt, Harvard University
Prof. Reuven Amitai, Prof of Islamic History, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew Uni. of Jerusalem
Sarah and Jack, London
Basil M. Al Ghalayini, Chairman and CEO of BMG Financial Group- Saudi Arabia
Tanya Cariina Hsu-Political Researcher and Analisty London, Riyadh
Prof. Hassan B. Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon
M.A.M. Mansoor, The Founder President of Al Quran Open College (AOC), Sri Lanka
The Very Revd. Prof. James Atwell, Head of Winchester Cathedral, UK
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa, T.R. Chief Advisor to the Pirime Minister
Prof. Dr. Peter Boyle, President of International Prevention Research Institute, France
Mazen Hayek, Official Spokesman and Group Director of Public Relations and Commercial at Middle East Broadcast Corporation (MBC)
Chairman of the Human Rights Concern - London, Chowdhury Mueen Uddin
Mr. Esmir Halilovic, Prof. of Islamic Studies and writer, Bosnia
Harun Yahya's Atlas of Creation on London Busses