Mr. Aleksey Y. Meshkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Russia
Prof. Dr. Peter Boyle, President of International Prevention Research Institute, France
Sheikh Omar Salem, President of Ibn Rushd Institute, Senior Fellow of the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy
Prof. M. El Masry, Prof. of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo
Dr. Hitoshi Suzuki, Institute of Developing Economies, Senior Researcher
Chairman of ITEA, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Haggenmueller
John Feffer - Codirector of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies / USA
Prof. Houchang Chehabi, President of International Society for Iranian Studies
Prof. Douglas Geivett Talks on How to Prevail Love in the Hearts
University of Kashmir, Prof. Naseem Ahmad Shah
Prof. Dr. Vasil Prodanov, Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research at BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Larry Greenfield - Fellow in American Studies at the Claremont Institute, Executive Director of the Reagan Legacy Foundation
Prof. Dr. Hillel Nossek, Faculty member at the Kinneret College
Prof. Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware
Paul Marshall, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom / USA
Prof. Vasil Prodanov, Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research at BAS (Bulgarian Acadamy of Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal, Virginia Tech University / USA
Prof. Douglas Geivetts Answers the Question "How Can We Lead People to Faith"
Prof. Eytan Gilboa, Director of School of Communication and Director of Center for Int. Communication, Bar-Ilan Uni.
The Very Revd. Prof. James Atwell, Head of Winchester Cathedral, UK
Benedetta Berti, Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), a TED Senior Fellow, Lecturer at Tel Aviv University
Prof. Dr. Enrique S. Pumar, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology, The Catholic University of America
Michael J. Horowitz, Director of Hudson Institute's Project for Civil Justice Reform and Project for Int. Religious Liberty
Prof. Douglas Geivett: Evolution Is the Assumption of the Naturalists