Prof. Vasil Prodanov, Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research at BAS (Bulgarian Acadamy of Sciences)
Scott Bates, President of Center for National Policy, USA
Douglas Johnston, President and Founder of the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy
Fr.Nabil D.Haddad, CEO of the Jordanian Interfaith Coexistence Research Center
Prof. Efraim Inbar, Director of Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University
Mohammed Zuhair, Vice President of Center for Islamic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Amb. Prof. Shimon Shamir, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University
Prof. Dr. Vasil Prodanov, Director of the Institute for Philosophical Research at BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Shadi Hamid, Fellow at the Project on US Relations with the Islamic World, Director of Research Brookings Doha Center
Nurman Priatna, Director of Creative Strategic Communication of ACT speaks for A9 TV
Prof. Hassan Abbas, Professor of National Defense University - Washington DC & Asia Society's Advisor
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Dr. Anwar-ul Ghani – President of Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ, Senior Scientist at the AgResearch Limited Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin, President of Muhammadiyah Association & Professor of Islamic Political Thought at State Islamic University - Jakarta
Father Prof. Fadi Daou, Maronite Catholic Church President and CEO of Adyan
Prof. Eytan Gilboa, Director of School of Communication and Director of Center for Int. Communication, Bar-Ilan Uni.
Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Sr. Vice President, Research and Development for McGraw-Hill Education
Dr. Gershon Baskin, CEO and founder of the Israel / Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), Israel
Prof. Houchang Chehabi, President of International Society for Iranian Studies
President Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, Former President of Malta - Former Minister of Education
Farzaneh Ferrokhfar, National University of Iran
Prof. Chuck Freilich, Expert on the Middle East and Former Israeli Deputy National Security Adviser, Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University
Prof. Nazar Al Baharna, Former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Former Dean of Engineering at Bahrain University, Visiting Research Scholar at Georgetown University, ICD Advisory Board Member
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute